I ended up with 8,500 words in my outline, 5,100 for the first 25% that I will attempt to write this weekend. I don't have all of the scenes as detailed as I would like but I feel I have enough to start.
My goals for next week
- Write during my "writer's retreat"
Now, most of the scenes I've written so far have "white room syndrome" because I do not have the world building details that I would like. After this weekend I may try and expand the details on a few scenes to see how the writing process goes when I have those extra details.
What did I learn this week?
One thing I learned so far during the first day of my writer's retreat is what details I would prefer to have in my outline before writing straight like I am doing this weekend. What I will do for future versions is detail the settings where characters are performing so that I can get more details in the first draft.
Another thing I learned yesterday is that I feel that I am a morning writer. Late last night I tried to get that 5,000 word count and it was extremely difficult for me to concentrate. Often I will work on the outline or book in the evening and have found that I do not get much done. I think I work better early in the day.
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